Lets get to work
You are the source of personal inner knowing & wisdom - I am here to help you find that source!
There are several ways to work with me. If you are in a space ready for change and want my support and guidance, It will be my pleasure and honour to work with you on the journey together. Depending on your needs, I offer individual sessions, full-day 121 workshops or more long-term support. Discover a path to true empowerment and spiritual alignment with my range of services designed to help you on your journey. So explore the possibilities today and take control of the direction you want your life path to take - as you own the rights!
Only you know when you are ready to change. Until you are genuinely prepared to let go and shift into a new way of being, you will continue to live the same habitual energy pattern. Significant change comes from knowing when it is time. So if it is not time just yet, know it will be one day – when you are ready. And if it is time today to make a change, I welcome you. My sessions are Intuitively tailored to your energy and traits. They are led by a positive agenda of mind-body healing that aims to empower you in finding answers and resources within individual cognition and spirit. They are driven to offer a space to clarify feelings and emotions in a safe place to express past hurts and current limitations without judgment. I will intuitively provide a blend of holistic psychotherapy practices that focuses on the impacts physiologically and neurobiologically of heightened stress and disconnection—bringing you a uniform, in-tune experience to assist in your quest for balance. My unique approach aims to provide a deeper connection to the blocks that may hold you back. I nurture and work with you to empower, motivate and align you with your goals and ideal self - allowing you to start your journey into self-discovery aligned with your true core.

£1200 / X14 121 SESSIONS &
This three-month programme offers more consistency and focus and aims to get you in a space that rebalances and reorders your mind, body and spirit. The programme provides 121 weekly sessions focusing on areas needed to be challenged and reorganised depending on your unique goals. We will use several sessions to fine-tune any limitations, barriers, unhealthy habits, and thinking loops that may be holding you back that may need some attention and time to process. From this point, we work closely with techniques and interventions to unblock you from these obstacles and create healthy boundaries moving forward. Within the programme, you will also have additional check-ins to see how things are progressing and a chance for me to assist and assure you in the areas you have questions about. In addition, several mindfulness somatic sessions; can be tailored to your unique needs, depending upon what would suit your psychological needs. These somatic sessions could be energy healing, personalised meditations, focused mind-body somatic therapy sessions etc. The programme aims to bring about long-term change. A person who enters this programme would ideally be in a space ready for change and open to committing themselves and development. Reach out to me for more information.
* Payment Plans Available on Request
These full-day workshops aim to dig deep into assessing certain areas of your mind, body and spirit that are unaligned and need some attention. I focus on areas that may be challenging and block you from moving forward. We work together to uncover openings for change to occur and develop practices tailored to your needs. We may explore self-limiting scripts, barriers, subconscious blocks, inner child work, personal energy blockages, lifestyle routines, low energy and demotivation, personal triggers, and the needs and wants you to need to truly flourish. We may explore, for example, life purpose, self-relationships, healthy boundaries, coping methods and signature strengths. Depending on the areas you want to realign and regulate, somatic mindfulness techniques may also be used and personalised to your needs. We work at creating a "tool kit' of resources to help you keep your mind, body and spiritual self energised and aligned. These sessions bring new insights and a deeper understanding of self and how to handle and work with your unique traits and energy. * These workshops are not for processing recent trauma or bereavement. Please reach out to me if you have any questions.

My healing sessions are unique to the individual. I work within the pathways of reiki healing; energy scanning is performed, and areas of emotional upheaval are felt and worked upon. These areas can be from past trauma and negative attachments - which can be linked with mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, anger, chronic stress, etc. These damaging emotions anchored from past or present traumas can get trapped within the body's psyche. This powerful release can help the emotions surface - energy healing adds an element of holistic energies to help rebalance the outer aura of a person through the use of ancient healing practices. These beautiful healing sessions can heal old negative habits and energy lapses. All of my healing can help with many issues at a deeper level, such as; clarity of mind, straightforward and speedy decision-making, better memory and concentration, improved efficiency, energy balance, harmonious relationships with family and colleagues, Inner peace, happiness, and tolerance, Improved self-esteem and a sense of wellbeing. The whole experience is unique to you and your energy.
I look forward to working with your energy field.
* Distance Healing is available also, so please reach out for more details.